Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Upcycled Paper Bugs are popular

We've had a 'Bug Run" at the moment....
Insects are really in demand right now.
These are from our own photography and drawings onto
vintage book and dictionary pages.
Prints available in large, medium and small show
Moths, Beetles, Bumble Bees & Spiral Bugs.

Look great in vintage interiors and the country lifestyle look.
Bringing a piece of the garden into your home.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Large Upcycled Book Cover Collage Keepsake

A lovely customer asked for a larger collage so tried one around A4 in size.
Rather dramatic! Upcycled Book Cover Collage combines vintage book cover, original butterfly photography and drawing, antique french stamps, hand pulled screen printed paper using metallic inks and vintage musical score sheet.

Friday, 18 January 2013

January is Win a Cup of Tea Print Month

It's January and it's the perfect tea drinking weather
(we don't need an excuse to put the kettle on!!).
So we have a Tea print up for grabs.
Just go to the Roo Abrook Art Facebook page at the link below

....Like it and you will be entered for the draw.
Spread the word as everyone loves a cuppa xx.

91 Magazine Vintage Book Article

It's really lovely to be included in this great online magazine for the vintage
style and craft lover. Featuring Homes/Style/Vintage/Shopping/Crafts.

Styled beautifully by Joanna Thornhill http://www.joannathornhill.co.uk/and photographed perfectly by Malcolm Menzies http://www.82mm.com/
A big thank you to Joanna for including us in her "Read all about it"
article (page 65-72).
Page 71 of the "Read all about it" article
Bluebird Print Vintage Stamp Keepsake Collage available from...

Antique Paper Upcycled Victorian Fan Print available from...
